Attention: Men & Women Over The Age Of 40

This Ab-Igniting "Muscle-Release" Movement

Flips the Switch, Turns On Your Abs, And Alleviates Back Pain In Under 4 Minutes

Without A Gym, Weird Ab Belts or Scammy Infomercial "Waist Trimmers"

Why don't I ever feel my abs working?

As of today, traditional “ab workouts” are over.

No, no, no we’re not talking about some scammy waist trimmer or infomercial ab machine that’ll set you back $100s and take up your entire living room…

Honestly, everything available today is only adding to your problem…

Magazine ab workouts only tighten your lower back, adding waist thickening love handles and compromise your posture…

All without trimming your waist or sculpting your abs...

But listen, it’s not your fault…

As you’ll discover today, the ancient breakthrough making all of this possible isn’t some new workout gadget. Or “magic” pill.

This isn’t something you can find in a gym or on some late-night infomercial.

The secret is a remarkable forgotten Japanese technique that releases ab-compromising muscles. Using this technique we can switch back ON the same trim waistline, and sexy abs we all thought we had lost long ago...

... thanks to a simple yet unique form of hyper-efficient motion I'm going to share with you today…

You're also going to discover...

So let me ask you:

Does it drive you crazy, no matter how many crunches you do, how many hours you spend in your gym and how much you restrict your diet, you can't even see a glimpse of your abs?

Have you ever wondered why some people have abs naturally without even doing a single ab exercise? (ANSWER REVEALED BELOW)

If so…

I hope you read every word of this letter because the ancient ab formula contained inside will transform your harmful and long core workouts into a short ab-unlocking and posture-fixing experience…

I made a huge mistake.

I tried every magazine ab workout you could imagine, yet nothing seemed to work. The more I did, the more frustrated I became.

And get this...

I was left with this nagging back pain. I hope this hasn't happened to you, but just in case it has, don't worry, I'll reveal how to avoid certain exercises that cause back pain in just a few short paragraphs, but first...

Want to know the fastest way to weaken your core?

FACT: Lack of mobility above or below your core will leave your abs weak and hidden!

Huh? It's true. If you lack mobility in your hips your core and stability will be compromised.

Your hips and other tight muscles in your back will "take over" and override your abs only to leave them weak and neglected….

You'll be doing hours of "ab" workouts for nothing, your abs will remain "turned off" unless…

You follow the ancient ab switch formula I'm about to reveal with you…

The "Muscle-Release Breakthrough"...

The New Roadmap to Fitness for Those 35 and Older...

Now anyone at ANY age can "turn back on" your body's ab switch. Something you have lost after countless years of poor posture and hours, upon hours of sitting.

Unfortunately, traditional ab exercise won't do the trick, they no longer work. Instead they further promote your problem and activate the wrong muscles. What may have worked before, no longer works today, and that's frustrating, I know firsthand.

That's why it puzzled me why back pain, "muffin tops" and poor posture have only been a major problem for the last century or less. Why now?

So I looked back, spent countless hours researching and discovered something odd. A simple yet forgotten Japanese release technique could possibly turn my abs back on?

It sounded like a scam, well, at least until I tried it. And it was then after just 7 minutes using this Japanese technique that it was like a spark, it just hit me, and I felt a bit overwhelmed.

I had to tell everyone, friends, family even other gym members, THIS WAS HUGE!

And I called it my "muscle-release breakthrough".

This super targeted muscle-release technique did far more than just sculpt my abs, it made every ab exercise more effective, took the stress off my back, and seemingly reversed my bad posture. And if you know me and know what I had been through, I needed this…

See: Back when I was 17, I almost lost my life. With high hopes, so much ahead of me and a full ride to my dream school as an athlete…

I crashed into a tree topping off at almost 90 mph

To be honest, it's a blessing I'm even here writing this, and connecting with you today.

But there were some repercussions. Beyond completely severing my nose and spending long months in rehab, just so I could walk again, back pain and "poor posture" was something I have always battled since.

Plus, my ab workouts we're not helping, until...

...this simple tweak SUPERCHARGED my energy, lowered my stress, revamped my posture, alleviated my back pain, and of course helped me finally sculpt a slim and sexy core.

This muscle release technique was designed 100s of years ago to protect people just like you and I from these uncomfortable signs of aging... and now they can do it again.

And there's more:

This Tight Muscle Has Been Linked To Cases Of Lower Back Pain, Bulging Bellies ("Muffin Tops") and Lack Of Sexual Performance

So I bet you're craving to know what muscle is causing all this harm, discomfort and keeping your abs "turned off".

After reading through this Japanese release technique, I finally discovered it was the only thick, strong muscle connecting our lower and upper bodies.

So what was this ab sabotaging muscle?

The Psoas!

Growing out of both sides of the spine, the psoas spans laterally from the 12th thoracic vertebrae (T12) to each of the 5 lumbar vertebrae. From there it flows down through the abdominal core, the pelvis, to attach to the top of the femur (thigh) bone.

It finally made sense!

Each and ab exercise that I knew pulled the lower and upper bodies together and the psoas took over and neglected our abs…

(Side Note: In a few paragraphs I'm going to reveal exercises where you don't need to bring your upper and lower body together, "turning off" your psoas!)


Because over the years, between hours of sitting, and our typical daily routines we unintentionally shorten this muscle. It's something we just can't avoid completely, unless you want to quit your job or stand all day….

So, how is a tight psoas sabotaging our health and appearance?

Lower Back Pain

When you have a tight muscle pulling your legs toward your chest, something must give, and it's your back.

Think about it.

While standing or laying down there's severe tension PULLING the opposing direction, causing your lower back to hyperextend in efforts to stay upright.

The same reason why you experience low back pain after standing for long periods or sleeping on a hard floor...

"Muffin Tops"

When your back rounds, what else happens?

Your belly expands. You can be 5% bodyfat and still look like you have a beer belly.

That's just not a posture that screams confidence, nor is healthy for your digestion.

Sexual Performance

Sitting often with a tight psoas is a formula for disaster. It thrusts your hips further, pulling on the lower back while decreased circulation where it matters.

And the most effective way to coax your body into liberating your psoas through the use of this breakthrough "muscle-release" movement I'll show you today... that gives you all the benefits of a youthful posture, WITHOUT quitting our day jobs, doing yoga or stretching for hours each day.

… and you can do it all by using a very specific, scientifically-designed sequence of these "muscle-releasing" movements  for just 7 minutes a day, and most importantly...

Right before your ab routine to keep them engaged through the entire workout. But unfortunately, most ab exercises and magazine routines reverse all the ab sparking, pain alleviating effects of these "muscle-releasing" movements.

Which I'm about to share with you below...

FIRST: You MUST now come to terms with this fact:

It's Not "Age" You Have To Worry About…

The Problem is Not That You've Grown Older… Your Lifestyle Is
Causing An Imbalance, Adding Stress And Promoting Poor Posture Affecting Everything From Your Mood To Sex Life

So your body simply doesn't run like it used to:

And most people, simply, blame it on "getting older"...

Please stop now, because that simply isn't true.

With a few simple tweaks to training we can combat our busy and less active lifestyle. But we do need balance, we do need to take action and that's what I'm here to share with you today…

How to take action and reverse the so called "aging" affects to our mood, sex drive, health and appearance…

Because this can all be reversed!

You can take a trip back and feel like you're in your 20s again, as long as you commit these 7 minutes to releasing your muscles and begin using the right exercises to promote the body you want and you deserve...

It's Like A Metabolic Time Machine That
Boomerangs You Back To Your Prime…

Thanks to this muscle-releasing breakthrough from our Japanese ancestors 100s of years ago countless success stories are becoming almost, ordinary:

Busy parents are enjoying newfound energy, a sexy waistline and pain-free lifestyle thanks to this new muscle releasing and ab sparking formula...

Not to mention even retirees are returning to their prime, sculpting lean tummies, trim waistline, enjoying newfound energy... all while their buddies struggle to get out of bed in the morning.

It all began when I stumbled upon this muscle releasing moment patterns that stemmed into my discovery of 4 more "ab sparking" ingredients to turn on your ab switch for good and banish your aches and pains...

It has taken years to finally perfect, but it has gone on to change how we perform "ab "workouts" forever.

I'll share that story with you in just a moment.

First, let's make sure you are where you need to be today…

If Any Of These Conditions Apply To You,
Then You Are In The Right Place Today...

Listen: I want you to know this isn't for anyone. And the last thing I want to do is try to solve a problem that simply isn't there, or waste your time reading these ab sparking secrets.

To make this simple I created a list below, and if any of these describe you, then I can assure you're in the right place.

Can't feel your abs work during most exercises

Nagging joint pains in your legs

Tight lower back

Trouble sleeping

Digestive problems

Circulatory issues

Reduction of sexual performance

If you can check off any of these problems, then you
absolutely NEED to utilize the muscle release
I'm about to reveal to you…

"Will It Work For Me Too?!"

When I shared this with a friend, he understandably asked:

"Be honest with me John, can I seriously sculpt a sexy pair of abs, slim my waistline and alleviate my back pain like I'm 25 again?"

Yea, ok, he kinda snickered when he found out I wasn't kidding. Yet since he's a good buddy of mine, he gave me some piece of mind and put it to work…

And guess what?

It only took a few short weeks for him to finally believe me and believe in himself...

And it wasn't just him, it soon became countless numbers of men and women coming back to me ecstatic how revolutionary this had been for them…

The results were even better than I expected, you just have a look for yourself:


Releasing This "Ab-Sabotaging"
Muscle Isn't Enough


It's not about the time you put into exercise, how many ab workouts you do, or when you do them. That's all the nonsense the magazines want you to believe. The same nonsense that led me to a "muffin top" and lower back pain

The same mistake hundreds of thousands of men and women have made before you...

… it's really about the effectiveness of each exercise, the tension placed on your abs. That's where the magic is found.

Normally the psoas steals all the tension from your abs and places excruciating stress on your low back only to instigate poor posture. Muscle releasing movements override and relax the psoas….

But remember it's not enough alone...


Your 4 "Other" Ab-Sparking Catalysts That
Can Now Be Triggered In Just Minutes…

ASC's act like bomb detonators, they trigger your body to…

  1. Release Tight Muscles…
  2. "Turn On" Your Dormant Abs…
  3. Digest Food Better…
  4. Alleviate Joint And Lower Back Pain…
  5. Boost Your Athletic Performance…
  6. And Much More…


The 4 "superhero" catalysts turn your ab switch on and keep your psoas at bay…

Meet Your 5 Ab Sparking Ingredients

Each of these ingredients work together, in combination, as a team like the Avengers or the 1980 Olympic Hockey Team…

And their enemy is the Russians "the psoas"...

With one missing piece they simply don't work, each and every piece needs to be used in a systematic fashion.

ASC #1 - "Muscle- Releasing" Movement System

Although we've revealed that the psoas acts solely to sabotage your abs, it does it's dirty work with other muscles like tight quads and the piriformis!

ASC #2 - Reciprocal Inhibition

When you do a bicep exercise, your triceps must release and relax to let the biceps fully contract. So reciprocal inhibition simply means when one muscle is working the opposing muscle group becomes relaxed.

This simple little trick will turn off those muscles sabotaging your six pack, and turn on your abs to supercharge each and every rep.

ASC #3 - Neuro Ignition

If you don't train your body to "feel" muscles work they never will. Jumping in on typical ab exercises simply won't ignite the mind, muscle connection and even after loosening your "ab-sabotaging" muscles your core will remain under stimulated.

ASC #4 - Mental Duration

When you follow a typical ab program it will look something like, crutches for 20 reps, or scissor kicks for 15 reps. No, no, no. This conditions your mind to be focused on the wrong goal, reps instead of tension.

Forced reps will cause tension on your back, hips and legs without any benefit to your abs, but seconds will allow you to keep tension on your abs without jerking up a "few more reps" with your lower back and tight hip flexors.

ASC #5 - Equitable Framing

Most people focus only on building their rectus abdominis, the "abs", and forget the other major parts of their core. It results in an unappealing disproportionate core. Because neglecting these core muscles will make you appear blocky, keep your abs hidden and give you a "soft" look.

So to look slim, build a well developed, sexy core, and trim waistline requires the ignition of ALL 4 core muscles:

  1. Rectus Abdominus "abs"
  2. Obliques
  3. TVA (which is what forms the "frame" around the abs)
  4. Serratus anterior (the finger-like muscles that cover the ribs)


With the right exercise combinations you can combine all 4 into an ab sculpting master formula...

Before we go any further I want to get something out of the way...

These "Ab Sparking Catalysts" Have Nothing To Do With How Old You Are…

With this technique you can switch back on your abs and reverse poor posture regardless of your age...

If You're Over 40, Traditional Magazine Ab Routines Are The Real Enemy

Most ab exercises further promote, psoas and piriformis tightening. And they put unnecessary strain on your low back, causing poor circulation and poor posture.

These same exercises mimic the effects of hours more of sitting!

Watch out for these select few "red flags":

  1. Crunches
  2. Sit ups
  3. Non supported leg lifts
  4. Many unadaptive ab machines (the majority of machines you'll find in the gym)
  5. Side bends
  6. Ab roller machines
  7. V-Sits

Now you see, most ab routines are making you slouch more, cause MORE back pain, and further neglect your abs...

Not to mention, most of these programs almost never stress the key to sculpting your abs, let alone any muscle in your body. Something called:

Progressive overload!

Each and every week your program must gradually become more difficult and "switch up" variables such as:

  1. Time under tension
  2. Volume
  3. Intensity
  4. Frequency
  5. And duration of the workout

And unfortunately, no program available came even close, let alone utilized the "muscle releasing" movements that reawaken your core

 ….which is why I created a complete formula to cover every single missing link above.

Introducing AbSpark: The First 5 Stage Complete Ab System Designed To Sculpt Your Core, And Reverse Poor Posture All At Once Without Hours In The Gym Or Expensive Gadgets

  1. Just 15 Minutes, 3 Times a Week…
  2. "Muscle-Releasing" Movements Take Just 7 Minutes…
  3. Alleviates Back Pain and Reverses Years of Bad Posture...
  4. No Gym Needed, Can be Done Anywhere…
  5. Variations for Beginners or Those With Limitations…
  6. Advanced Options for Those Wanting "Hard Core"...

AbSpark isn't only the fastest and most effective ab program available today… it's the most flexible.

Designed with 4 Unique Phases For All Levels Of Fitness (beginner, intermediate & advanced), AbSpark meets you RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.

Nothing you see available today will hit your abs with 5 different core demolishing tools and from 4 different angles while simultaneously reversing poor posture….

And Here's What Inside The AbSpark System...

Here's exactly what you'll discover inside of Abspark:

  1. How To Identify Lumbar Compromising Ab Exercises- such as crunches, sIt-ups, side bends
  2. How to Stretch Your Hip Flexors And Release Your Quads - Using exercises such as bulgarian split squats you can build your quads and stretch at the same time!
  3. How To Activate Your Core In Minutes - Start every ab workout with 2-3 one minute planks holds (or less if you can't get one minute just yet
  4. Include Circuits & Giant Sets - this will add more overall tension without sacrificing more time
  5. How To Utilize The Power Of Reciprocal Inhibition
  6. How To Activate and Build All 4 Components of Your Core - Rectus abdominis, TVA, serratus, and obliques
  7. Activate Your Glutes And Immediately "Turn Off" Your Psoas- using exercises such as hip bridges, reverse lunges, glute ham raises or kneeling squats
  8. Myofacial Release Techniques For The Piriformis- use a medicine ball, tennis ball or lacrosse ball
  9. Dynamic Hip Flexor Stretching - lying leg crossover, chest to knee, etc.
  10. How To Utilize Progressive Overload To Avoid Frustrating Plateaus- Add more sets, reps, duration, weight or overall tension to each and every phase of your ab training

Now I bet you think a comprehensive system like AbSpark would set you back a few paychecks, but you'd be shocked….

"You've Got To Be Crazy, That's Too Low"

Excuse my accountant she can be greedy sometimes, but I didn't want this to be a hard decision for you, heck…

I wanted to make it easier than choosing between a vacation to Bora Bora…

Or like… Jersey.

That's why I have made it affordable for anyone...

Because when I finally cracked the code and sculpted a sexy slim core it changed more than just my looks. Accomplishing a childhood dream carries over to every other part of your life, and no one can convince me otherwise.

And everyone's noticed too…

I've become an all around more successful, happier, and confident person because of it. And that's what you're about to experience too... I know how much this will change your next weeks, months and years to come.

So by joining the clan today you can get immediate access to the AbSpark Program designed to sculpt your abs, alleviate back pain, reverse poor posture and finally build the body and life you deserve in a fraction of the time using:

ASC #1 - "Muscle- Releasing" Movement System
ASC #2 - Reciprocal Inhibition
ASC #3 - Neuro Ignition
ASC #4 - Mental Duration
ASC #5 - Equitable Framing

And get this...

When I Revealed This New Price For AbSpark...

You're going to be shocked. Most of these men and women you've seen above have happily invested $1000s to kick-start their new body. Because they understood how much their trim waist, sexy core, posture and health are worth…

Yet by ordering today you're not going to pay that…

But more on the price in just a moment…

So like I said before, I really don't want you to go through all the struggles I have. I don't want you to spend years in gym doing ab workouts that only bring you farther away from your dream body and add more back and joint pain….

That's why I have made it affordable for anyone...

Because I know how much this will change the next weeks, months and years to come. How it will not only improve your happiness but the happiness of those around you…

That's why today you're NOT going to pay a 10th what they paid at $100. I actually have something extremely special for you. Because you've read this far, I want to offer you something mind blowing…

See: I care so much that you regain the pain-free, confident lifestyle you desire and deserve…

That's why I've included a special bonus for you if you embark on your journey today…

So you can avoid living a life with what ifs

Think: Even if we gave you complete access to our 5 step formula....

It wouldn't work if you didn't know how to perform each and every exercise, right?

That's why I've done something just for you…

I've recorded each and every exercise in the program and compiled a complete library of exercises you'll have immediate and

...So you can be armed with our proven AbSpark system AND detailed videos on how to perform each exercise like a pro...

Listen: I knew you might be on the fence. Maybe not because you didn't believe in the program, but you didn't believe in you. It's totally normal to question:

"Am I meant to have a 6 pack?"
"Is it just my genetics?"
"Can I actually alleviate my back pain?"

Most of my clients had those same questions before using the formula, but as they soon would realize…

It was simply holding them back..

That is why we have made the course quick, easy, affordable and where you can begin to see results right away. But I still wasn't satisfied…

I knew I had to do something crazy. And I know I'll be hearing from my accountant for doing this…

But by ordering today you can get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the 5 phase AbSpark System, Complete Video Library, and our support...

To grant your freedom…

Build your dream body...

Your fresh start…

Your new life...

For a total of only $7…


Why Such A HUGE Discount?

Sure I could price this where it deserves to be, where countless others have happily invested 10x the cash. But that's not the point. My goal is to get this in the hands of as many people as heavenly possible…


Because I'm tired of people quitting, thinking they weren't made to have a sexy core and blaming it all on "aging". The truth is they've been led wrong. And I want to lead them right.

Now listen, if I gave it out for nothing you wouldn't take it seriously. So I had to find that happy medium. But I want you to understand it's nothing to take lightly…

So join the crew…

And click the add to cart button below…

Before you go another day searching for the answer, the solution to your frustrations…

Before you spend hours in the gym only adding to your lower back pain, and poor posture..
And before you've had enough and give up on your dream altogether. Don't wait another minute and grab the AbSpark System. When you click the buy now button this will happen…

1. You'll be taken to an order page where you will fill in your contact and payment details.

2. Right after purchase, you will receive 2 emails. The first email will be from me personally welcoming you onboard the course and instructions to get started.

3. Lastly you will receive an email with AbSpark system itself and your access code to the complete video library...

Now to make this an absolute no brainer…

The AbSpark 60-Day Guarantee:

If The AbSpark System Doesn't Work For You It's Entirely On Me. I Guarantee It.

I'm going to extend to you our iron clad guarantee. That's right. If you're not completely satisfied within 60 days of investing in our formula...

If you don't see life-changing results…

You can ask for every penny back with just 2 clicks of a button, no questions asked. This is 100% no risk to you…

So grab immediate access to the ab igniting, and poor posture reversing program today before you miss out on your pain free and confident life for good…

So I Guess You Have A Few Choices…

Listen: I'm not going to plead with you to make a change, and invest in your solution. I can't want it for you, I can't do the work for you, but I have laid out a smooth path that took years of research, failure and sweat to pave for you.

Ultimately, it's your choice to take CONTROL of YOUR LIFE.

Don't let the gym, poor advice, damaging workouts, lower back pain and poor posture run another minute of your life.

But again, the way I see it you have 3 options:

You can invest hours upon hours, piecing together every lesson you've learned in the contents above, creating your own program, and scraping together the motivation to follow through…

You can continue on with what you're doing right now, going through the motions, the status quo.


You can grab IMMEDIATE ACCESS to my Premium AbSpark Program for over 70% OFF, SPARK a sexy core, ALLEVIATE your back pain, REVERSE poor posture, and SKYROCKET your confidence.

Don't Stress! I believe in you, and I know you'll make the right choice :)

See you on the other side!
-John Rowley & Sean Kemp

Frequently Asked Questions About AbSpark…

"John, how soon will I receive AbSpark?"

Well that's the best part, right when you order AbSpark the download link will IMMEDIATELY be sent direct right to your inbox. No more putting your life on hold :)

"John & Sean, is AbSpark safe?"

It's the safest ab workout I've ever far. It's joint-friendly, low impact, and helps stretch out the muscles that create the most tension in your body. That means you'll feel more relaxed all day and night, and you'll sleep like a baby.

What's truly dangerous is performing typical ab routines, but you and I both know that by now. And of course, not doing anything.

"John & Sean, do I need to be "in shape" to start AbSpark?"

No… each and every exercise is made to accommodate you and your fitness level -- beginner, intermediate or advanced.

"John & Sean, does AbSpark require a gym membership or equipment?"

You can begin with the workouts from the comfort of your own home! But of course we found gym access will put you in the right mindset and give you more tools to succeed.

A gym membership is NEVER required, but always helpful!

"John, how did you come up with AbSpark?"

Remember: I've always battled excruciating lower back and joint pain. More than people ever go through in their entire life. I always woke up with aching joints and a stiff back.

My ab exercises only made me feel more stiff, and even, at times, left me almost "out of commission the next day. That's when I realized I needed a solution, and luckily I discovered the Japanese muscle release movements that helped not only sculpt a sexy core but alleviate my back pain. And of course I couldn't hog it all to myself, so I had to share it all with you :)

"John & Sean, is AbSpark guaranteed to sculpt a sexy core and reverse poor posture?"

Down to the DIME! That's how much I'm certain this will change your life, and well if it doesn't, I don't want a penny.

So if for any reason you're not absolutely thrilled with your results or the content inside: exercise videos, tutorials, manuals, and bonuses, simply email us at and we'll refund your entire investment no questions asked, and no hard feelings.

I am 100% committed to your health and happiness, so if AbSpark can't do that, I don't want anything in return. Deal?